From beginning to end the months have flown past in a fluffy white blur. Flashes of bright blue from an eager sky are almost the only contrast to the monochromatic landscape of dormant trees, rocks and snow. The days, and indeed the months, have moulded into one big pile and are now beginnning to defrost: Spring, that beautiful princess, goddess of promise, is on its way. Buds of willows swell, counting the days, ready to burst into leafery while tiny patches of grass, determined to be green, wait patiently for the snow's retreat. The sun, less eager to be elsewhere, loiters as it makes its daily journey, poking its rays into deeper, darker crevices every day.
Today i walked to and from work, a brisk 20 minutes, happy to have bright red gumboots, happy to have the sun on my face, happy to hear the little birds chirping their welcome song to the spring sunshine. Happy.
Last writing had me just about to escape from my plaster caste prison to the freedom of scratching and bathing and all sorts of other two-handed activities. In the meantime i have even tried skiing, would you believe! 14 years ago was the last time i was seen on skis heading downhill in a blur of colour, screaming. Not a lot changed in the interim, but for the engineering of skis which makes turning, stopping and not looking quite so idiotic a wee bit easier. Pascal and i stuck to the 'green runs' (nothing to do with bad meals in india) and mostly enjoyed ourselves: spring skiing: sun shining, trees wafting pine oil at your nostrils (yes, the french alps have trees growing in the middle of the piste... ) and easy snow. I enjoyed it so much (as in, didn't break anything) that i'm going to give it another go. Maybe even this season!
in the meantime i have had one of my travelling sisters, an equally not mad nomad, lacey, sharing our home with us. poor lacey, she came to europe on the promise of easy work and was fired the very next day. she's now lugging round a very serious amount of lovely boots/books clothing looking for a solution in a crazy world. (if you do see her by the roadside pick her up!! ) as always, i love being able to share things with my family and i really hope to see her (and you!!) soon.
Oh, i didn't tell you the sorry tale of poor wee maggy... parked up, minding her own business (in an avalanche zone- after one of the season's biggest dumps the local council erected signs in the carpark where she was parked forbidding access due to avalanche risk!!!) and some narrow minded connard decided to nick the car stereo. I wouldn't mind if a) the car looked decent in the first place and therefore looked like it had a decent car stereo; b) the car stereo actually functioned properly and c) they didn't bend the door frame right back, breaking the window and door in the process..... i have since bought a replacement door (it only cost 20% of the value of the car! Bargain!) only to discover that the peugeot people, bless 'em, developed a special thingo, that requires a special tool to remove and replace the door!
But, in the meantime, i have only 2 weeks left of work. No great shame really as i don't think i was cut out for the pressure of being a shop-keeper. I don't think the boss will be shedding too many tears over my departure either. Not wanting to mention the 'P' word (as in plan) because you know where that'll lead... other than towards the sea: corsica, croatia, tour of the former adriatic war zones... and finally back to aotearoa!!! Yah! But, not mentioning the 'p' word, i think it would be better to keep you updated rather than tell you in advance what we might/mightn't be doing....
Winter's battle finally over, the colourful caravan that is the collective of ski-bums, hippies, freaks and seasonaires, will begin following the melting snow's race downhill, descending the valley to make its merry way elsewhere.
and as usual, i hope to write more and put more piccies on here....