this is a picture of our future, our child, 7 weeks old and the size of a bean (currently called harry, as in, haricot).
happy and lucky? totally elated, and equally scared...
and what a new beginning this is. is this the point when we say: that's it? hanging up the backpack?? folding up the map?? getting out the knitting needles!
well, maybe. but this is a completely different journey now, a journey into the real world of grown-up parenthood. oh, we've talked about it for a long time; but now it's there, now it's an actual moving, little soul, its heart beating...
so, steps along the path: pascal has applied for and been granted his visa for NZ- he has the rite to stay for 2 years and in between times apply for residancy;
we've bought the ticket home: one way ticket to chch. oh, i know it's not the first, and possibly not the last.
is it safe to talk about plans now? i mean, now we've actually got someone else who is making them for us!
i don't think that i'll be hanging up the backpack forever (got to use it to get home yet!); it's just going into storage- the journey that we're about to undertake needs a different type of backpack ;)
and yes, i will keep you posted
b&p &h
Oh my gosh you guys! I am so happy for you! I have been lurking around reading and enjoying all of your travels (and relaying them back to Christophe), but this news begs a comment.
I guess this means the trip to Chicago I have been secretly hoping for (so we can meet Bec)is not going to happen any time soon, C and I might have to come to NZ to meet your little Harry.
All the best,
Alesha and Romat!
a frog + a kiwi = Harry, the bean !
Youhou, yeepee yeepee oh !
Congratulations !
Vous avez visité de beaux trésors de la Terre sur votre parcours, maintenant le trésor,le plus précieux, se cache au creux de Bec' !
De mon côté, ma vie se poursuit sur Poitiers (eh non, je n'ai pas encore quitté la France pour la Suède ni l'Islande mais ça viendra !), les études se sont finies, le boulot remplit mes journées et ma fille (de 7ans maintenant ) me comble de Bonheur.
Bises à vous deux
Séverine et Pollyanna
oh didoudidouda...
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