Tuesday, August 07, 2007

knitting in foreign languages

those of you that know me will have heard me prattle on, on probably more than one occasion, about being self-sufficient. being self-sufficient isn't just about having the neat parcel of land, its about having the skills and the knowledge of how to produce the stuff you need. veges, fruit, wine, cheese, energy, shoes, textiles, holidays. (ok, so maybe that last one isn't on the Big List of all self-sufficient types, but it is one of my concerns). you'll note the second to last thing is textiles and it is on this little adventure that i have most recently embarked.
years ago, whilst living on my little (rented) coupla acre patch, i had a brown sheep which i called socks. the idea being that i would let my sheep live in relative liberty (in its paddock) unharassed, with all the grass he fancied, and in return i would shear it, weave its wool and make socks (and other woolley items). hence its name. but the wee free loading bastard couldn't see a good thing for all the wool in his eyes and took his liberty literally and ran away. so i never got round to mastering the art of knitting.
and now, i'm in france, pregnant, with a little bit of time on my hands. what better time to take up knitting! except of course my book on knitting recipes is written in french. oh, it's not all that hard, you say. well i beg to differ. my knitting lady has buggered off on holiday (see earlier blog) before i had the chance to ask her what the fork... and now, 2 rows into my first garment, i'm stuck.
the question is this: the instructions ask that i add 6 stitches to either end every 2 rows. (or something very similar). ok, i can do it at one end, but what about the other? its physically impossible!!!
please help! advice, all of it, in any language, will be appreciated. otherwise our poor child is doomed to wear poorly knitted rectangles and squares.


laceybediz said...

...oh how i adore you... i can just see your cute pregnant self and your french knitting book and I never heard that sheep story before...



pascal and bec said...

even worse: neighbour's bastard sheep broke into my paddock and ate all my veges. twas nearly enough to make me stop being vegetarian for a minute there.

The Weston House said...

Don't worry dear....Mummy won't knit for you either...Remember Nanna's evil jerseys - you were saved from wearing them 'cos they never went over your heads....still she made wicked Louise Cake & Pavs (but crap gravy - known affectionately(or infectiously) as Anthrax Gravy....best laxative in the World a tru weapon of mass destruction.
Now where was I? Oh that's right ...knitting- what's wrong with you girl you should be supporting third world countries and buying 'made in china' from Pumpkin Patch!!!

Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.