Thursday, February 02, 2006

no, we're NotMad

hello again!
we've moved to a better, stronger , faster weblog. hopefully this one will give us a reliable service with links to all our lovely photos and stories of where we are and what we're up to.
so far this year:
we've done sod all.
yes, that's right! SodAll.
such are the joys of being a nomad.
plans for this year are somewhat more detailed and some of them even topsecret. (nomad doesnot equal spy, or prostitute either).
so, prepare yourself for yet another way to waste time on the internet looking at photos and learning another language

pour les francophiles et ceux qui ne savent d anglais que "to be or not to be", je prends le relais pour vous souhaiter la bienvenue sur notre nouveau blog, qui je l espere satisfera petits et grands.
au programme du blog: nos recits de voyage, nos aventures, nos photos.
venez partager avec nous et amusez vous bien

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

super, je vais pouvoir améliorer mon anglais!! j'attends les photos avec impatience; bisous; Mum